Why should you take an allergy test?

One in three Europeans already suffers from an allergy - and the number is rising. Allergies are therefore one of the most common chronic diseases and are often associated with unpleasant restrictions on quality of life.

However, many sufferers are unaware that certain symptoms indicate an allergy. In particular, supposedly mild symptoms such as sneezing or burning eyes are often not taken seriously and the consequences are underestimated.

Symptoms of an allergy

  • Swelling and redness, especially on mucous membranes
  • Runny nose and sneezing
  • Tingling, burning and tears in the eyes
  • Often headaches, breathing difficulties, fatigue and diarrhoea
Allergie-Symptom-Check starten

The risk associated with allergies

An untreated allergy can lead to a worsening of the symptoms in the long term. If, for example, a pollen allergy remains undetected for a long time, bronchial symptoms can be added to the initial hay fever. A so-called floor change takes place. The symptoms intensify and migrate from the upper to the lower airways. A cough can therefore develop into asthma.

With the scientifically based and comprehensive diagnostics of the igevia Allergy Test, allergy triggers are precisely determined and those affected can take targeted countermeasures in good time.

List of all tested allergens

Is a blood test more useful than a skin test?

A blood test tests many more allergens at the same time. A blood test can also be useful if the previous skin test did not give a reliable result.

This can be the case if

  • the prick test is influenced by medication (e.g. anti-histamines),
  • the reaction cannot be reliably read off the skin or
  • the skin was hypersensitive.
Details of the testmethod

For whom is the igevia Allergy Test suitable?

The test is useful for all those who want to be sure about their allergy.

  • People who have not yet done an allergy test, but notice symptoms such as recurring sneezing, watery/itchy eyes, rashes or coughing.
  • People who have only tested a few allergens and would like to receive a comprehensive analysis and evaluation of 285 allergens including cross-allergies.
  • Children, as early diagnosis is particularly important for the youngest among us. Immunotherapies can achieve very good results, especially in children, and can intercept or at least minimise a worsening of symptoms.

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